Breathwave Certification

Certifcation for One-on-One Facilitation

Upon completion of all requirements for level 2 training, an individual will be certified as a Breathwave Facilitator for one-on-one sessions

CERTIFICATION PROCESS: Once you have completed all requirements listed below, please complete the online Testament of Completion of Certification Requirements Form and the three final practicum review questions found on the facilitator's page of this website. The Testament of Completion is your measure of accountability and integrity acknowledging that you have completed all requirements in order to be a one-on-one Breathwave facilitator.

Answers to your three practicum review questions should be emailed to [email protected]. They will be kept on record for future reference.

Certification Requirements for One-on-One Facilitation

  • Completion of Level 1 Breathwave
  • Completion of Level 2 twice - students are asked to do a minimum of 5 - 10 practicum sessions in between trainings, and to bring questions based on their experiences
  • Co-facilitation Experience (Four Options):
    1. Completion of Level 3
    2. or

    3. Ten breath circles with someone who is certified as a trainer in this work (who has completed Level 3 and has fulfilled certification requirements — check certified facilitators page for a list of certified L3 Breathwave Trainers)
    4. or

    5. Co-facilitating Level 1 (after completion of Level 2 training twice) or re-attending Level 1
    6. or

    7. Co-facilitating Level 2 (after completion of training in Level 2 twice)
  • 90 consecutive days of 20 mins breathwave practice
  • Completed reading of The Presence Process by Michael Brown and completion of its 10 week practice (this can be part of 90 day practice)
  • Completed reading of Becoming Supernatural by Dr Joe Dispenza
  • 7 case studies x 5 sessions per case study = 35 facilitated sessions (if five sessions per case study is not possible, then a combo of multiple sessions (minimum 3 per client) that totals up to 35 sessions would be fine) ** Level 2 counts as five sessions towards the practicum requirement **
  • Completion of the final open book study
  • Completion of the Testament of Completion form
  • Completion of the three final practicum review questions (found on the facilitator's page of this site) and emailed to [email protected]
  • Completion of all payment agreements met for the exchange of the Breathwave Training Program

Reading List (Required for Certification):

  • The Presence Process - Michael Brown
  • Becoming Supernatural - Dr Joe Dispenza

Suggested Reading:

  • Falling Into Grace - Adyashanti
  • Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
  • Shambhala, The Sacred Path of the Warrior - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
  • Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly - Judith Kravitz
  • ReBirthing in the New Age - Leonard Orr & Sondra Ray
  • Just Breathe - Dan Brule
  • The Presence Process - Michael Brown
  • The Energy of Life - Jennifer Kaye Dickenson
  • The Radiance Sutras - Dr Loren Roche
  • The Gene Keys - Richard Rudd

Breathwave Code of Ethics & Clear Agreement Policy

for all trained Breathwave facilitators of The BreathWave Foundation.

I commit to honor the profound depth of this service with the highest integrity by following this Code of Ethics:

  1. Personal Hygiene:
    I commit to professionalism through the way I present myself, including personal hygiene (body odor, breath, and a presentable appearance).
  2. Clear Communication and Agreements:
    I commit to clear communication with my clients regarding scheduling and session preparation. I commit to preparing myself and the ceremonial container before each session, and honoring the scheduled time with full attention.

    This may include an 'Intake Form' (An Intake form should include any present medications and a medical history)
  3. Confidence:
    I commit to holding any personal information about the client and their experience completely private.
  4. Completing the Training Process including the Final Exam:
    I commit to completing all training and certification requirements prior to offering group circles. The Facilitator's Training program (Levels 1, 2) is designed and intended for Facilitators to professionally coach breathers one-on-one. Level 3 is an in-depth Ceremonial Training-program to prepare Facilitators to professionally hold groups with the experience necessary to show up for a full circle of breathers with the highest integrity.
  5. A Safe Capacity (For Level 3 Trainers):
    Holding a maximum capacity of 6 - 12 breathers per each Facilitator at once. We agree to 1 - 12 ratio is a maximum number of breathers for an integral safe container.
  6. Sexual Integrity:
    To honor the depth of intimacy with safety in regards to holding space for healing sexual trama and other layers of emotional trauma; I commit to holding an impersonal space in service to anything that may arise.

    And further; we as Facilitators commit to refrain from any sexual contact/exchange with breathers, for a minimum period of 6 months - 1 year after any breath session.

    The work we do is very intimate and puts people in vulnerable states. Altered states of consciousness mixed with open sexual and emotional centres inherently create conditions for someone to be at the whim of the environment and facilitator around them. There is a potential power imbalance between you and the client (s) and they are at the whim of these power dynamics because of the inherit vulnerability of the client. Power dynamics that are only exasperated by the current conditions of wounding and how this can create subordination and submissiveness. The breather could project fantasies of saviour and hero onto the facilitator.
  7. Selfless Service and Consistent Breath Practice:
    I commit to the highest service for my breather by keeping my own agenda, personal stories and personal healing separate from the person I am holding space for. This means not taking anything personal as well as not taking responsibility for any one else's healing process. We simply bring others to a more favorable place to heal them selves. We do not claim to heal anyone or anything.

    This also includes committing to my own self practice on my own time in order to offer the highest service as a clear channel and loving support.
  8. We ask all Facilitators to commit to this agreement in full respect for the global family of breath Facilitators and all sentient beings. If you can not meet this agreement we ask that you refrain from using the name Breathwave or Robin Clements name as your teacher, in order to respect the professional reputation and integrity of this service.

    Any facilitor who does not respect this clear agreement policy will have their blessings as a Breathwave Facilitator revoked, until further healing and investigation is acted upon.

    If any certified Facilitator or breather is in awareness of a violation of this Code of Ethics it is their responsibility to share this with the leaders of the Foundation.